Life on the Farm

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Me and My Chicken Hess

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Spring thing
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Dream Destinations

I recently finished off the school year and one of my favorite courses was World Geography. It wasn't really because of the absolute or relative location of the countries, although that is totally helpful, it was more for the beauty of the places that I got to study. I have always wanted to jet off to Europe because my mom inspired me with her college backpacking stories. Even more than that was the description of each place that she went to. Going to London and Paris were obvious givens but I would have never thought to visit certain places had it not been learned in class. I now want to visit the beautiful tulip fields of the Netherlands, Balmoral castle in Scotland, haggis is not part of my wish here. I am prone to adventure, but I'm no Andrew Zimmern. If I think about what it really is, I don't think that I'll go that bizzare with foods.I want to marvel at the wonder of these places and immerse myself in the ways of the world. I am most likely to go to Spain and Germany one day as well, these being some of the top spots on my list. Greece is the top! I want to...... let's just say.....go everywhere. Life is short. I plan to live it globally, because travelling is always and always will be......quite frankly, in fashion.
Here are a few of the many places that I want to visit:

 Buckingham Palace. Prince Harry anyone? Santorini, Greece is beautiful and so are these tulips in Amsterdam.

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Even Halloween is a Fashion Opportunity!

The Bride

My Mom made this Fashionable Bride costume. She bought a vintage old wedding dress, soaked it in black dye so it would get that "old" look. She quickly rinsed it so it would not totally dye all the way. I worked at a haunted house for charity and we stained it with fake blood...I also found an old wig at the thrift shop. My total costume was like $8.00.